Online Seminar Special on the recycling/disposal of lithium cells and batteries

Das erwartet Sie im Kurs

This online seminar focuses on the correct preparation of lithium cells and batteries for recycling resp. disposal. Lithium cells and batteries contained in equipment and those without equipment will be covered.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Axel Hackner
Telefon: 08631/1607-0

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395.00 € zzgl. ges. MwSt.
Wichtige Hinweise
Start der Veranstaltung: 13:30 Uhr
Ende: ca. 16:30 Uhr
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.
395.00 € zzgl. ges. MwSt.
Wichtige Hinweise
Start der Veranstaltung: 13:30 Uhr
Ende: ca. 16:30 Uhr
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

Zitat zum Kurs

Strober &Partner kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Kompetentes Personal in aller Hinsicht, sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Es macht immer Spaß eure Schulung zu besuchen.
Man fühlt sich wie zu Hause.
Günter Lang
Sehr kompetente Trainer, tolle Räumlichkeiten,… so macht "lernen" Spaß!! Gerne wieder!!
Michael Breer

Informationen zum Kurs

Alles auf einen Blick

Alles einklappen

This online seminar is for anyone dealing with lithium cells and batteries in their job and who need to ship them.

For this online seminar there are no requirements.

3 Stunden/3 hours

Die genauen Uhrzeiten entnehmen Sie bitte dem jeweiligen Termin.

This online seminar is without an exam.
Attention: For shipping lithium cells and batteries according to Section I, IA and IB of the respective packing instruction in air transport anyone needs a certificate recognized by the appropriate national authority for packer (B**/B***) respective shipper (A**/A***) which can only be obtained through a special course including a final exam.


Wer im Luftverkehr verschickt, braucht zusätzlich ein amtlich anerkanntes Zertifikat für Versender (A**/A***), das nur durch eine spezielle Schulung mit abschließender Prüfung erreicht wird!

Hier geht´s zum passenden Kurs:

(A**/A***) ehemals PK1-Kl.9 Kurs

Personen, die Lithiumbatterien für den Lufttransport verpacken, benötigen ebenfalls ein amtlich anerkanntes Zertifikat für Verpacker (B**/B***) .

Hier geht´s zum passenden Kurs:

(B**/B***) ehemals PK2-Kl.9 Kurs

You will receive a certificate of attendance as proof of a training according to 1.3 ADR and 1.3 IMDG Code.
Attention: To receive this proof it is necessary that your camera is switched on during the whole online seminar

Our goal is that our participants will know how to help themselves in everyday working life. In order to achieve this practice-oriented issues will be worked with in the online seminar. This means that you as a participant will be actively integrated in the online seminar: What you´ve done yourself, will more easily be remembered. Our trainers take care that it won´t be boring and that you will learn about the topics through different methods.

A. The lithium cell resp. the lithium battery is contained in equipmentA.1. Facilitation, when only lithium cells or batteries for backup or support are contained in the equipment according to SP 670 a)
A.2. Max. 333 kg lithium cells/batteries contained in equipment per cargo transport unit and only transported to the intermediate processing facility according to SP 670 b) in combination with PI P909
A.3. More than 333 kg lithium cells/batteries contained in equipment per cargo transport unit or irrespective of the weight of the cell/battery the direct transport to recycling/elimination according to SP 377 in combination with PI P909

B. The lithium cell resp. the lithium battery is without equipment
B.1. Transport of „large“ lithium cells/batteries according to SP 377 in combination with P909
B.2. Transport of „small“ lithium cells/batteries without equipment with max. 333 kg per transport unit and only transported to the intermediate processing facility according to SP 636 in combination with PI P909
B.3. Transport of „small“ lithium cells/batteries is without equipment either with more than 333 kg per cargo transport unit or irrespective of the weight of the cell/battery the direct transport to recycling/elimination according to SP 377 in combination with PI P909

This online seminar will take place in our Virtual Classroom via Zoom. If you have not worked with Zoom before, please let us know and we will arrange a date for a technical check beforehand.

Virtuelles Klassenzimmer

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